POLICE in Lusaka have arrested and charged Ministry of Finance Public Relations officer
Chileshe Kandeta for Communication of Certain Information contrary to section four of the
State Security Act, Chapter 111 of the Laws of Zambia.
In a statement today, acting police spokesperson Danny Mwale stated that Kandeta was
charged alongside Ministry of Finance budget analyst Lazarous Mwelwa. He stated that this
was in relation to the leaked 2021 budget speech.
“Police have charged and arrested Ministry of Finance Public Relations officer, Chileshe
Kandeta aged 50 of Kabulonga and Lazarous Mwelwa aged 46 of Chamba Valley, a Budget
Analyst at Ministry of Finance for the offence of Communication of Certain Information
contrary to section Four chapter 111 of the State Security Act,” stated Mwale.
“This is in relation to the leaking of the 2021 National Budget Speech which went viral before
it was officially presented in Parliament. They are detained in Police custody awaiting court
So far the Police have quizzed ZNBC reporters, Brian Mwale and Ellen Hambuba. The Police
also summoned Diamond TV CEO, Costa Mwansa and Head of Current Affairs, George

Alert update-1st November (Lusaka Times)
As the Green Party we are shocked of the news of the arrest and detention of Messrs Chileshe
Kandeta and Lazarous Mwelwa allegedly for communicating the 2021 budget speech to the
media before its presentation to Parliament by the Minister of Finance.
For starters, the news of the arrest is extremely ridiculous. A budget speech of any country is
never a classified document for two simple reasons: first, there is no public and national safety
and security risk, whatsoever, for leaking such a document to the public before its presentation
to the Parliament. Second, the budget process is a public process. Budget proposals are
submitted by the public. This, what logic is there in classifying and criminalising lease of
information that was obtained from the public?
I recall in 1996, the Chairman of the Constitutional Review Commission late Mupanga
Mwanakatwe released to the press the final Report before presentation to late President
Fredrick Chiluba. Of course the late President was upset with that action, but that did not
constitute an offence at all, and therefore, the late Mwanakatwe was not arrested. The simple
reason was that the report was a product of the people’s views, and therefore, the people
deserved to know the outcome of their inputs at any time, whether before or after the report
was presented to the President.
During UNIP days, we had a gentleman by the name of Kadansa, who always announced key
reshuffles hours before Dr. Kaunda announced the same at press conferences. Late Kadansa
also announced key budget items hours before the Ministers of Finance announced the same.
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