Debating the estimates of expenditure for the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting budget
that stood at K46 million, Siliya refuted assertions that government had been intolerant to the
independent media.
“Media houses are managed the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) and the IBA are
the ones who are responsible for licensing. So the minister in person and in deed government
is not responsible for licensing. The people who provided the law for licensing of Prime TV or
any media house in this country is this house. And when a media house is non complaint, the
IBA can only do what they were asked to by the members of parliament. So for somebody to
accuse, whether it is the minister in person or government that we closed an institution is total
fabrication because those laws are made by members of parliament. I hope that we can put this
matter to rest. This goes to the Post as well that it is an issue of compliance to issues of tax,”
argued Siliya.
“The Ministry is not about ZNBC, it is not about us politicians, it is about the 17 million
Zambians. This government has committed itself to media pluralism ensuring that over 120
radio stations are licensed, over 40 Television are licensed in this country. Over 10
newspapers, you can take your pick……whether it is the diggers, the Mast, Times of Zambia,
Daily Nation and Online. The Government has been extremely tolerant unlike on other
jurisdictions that Zambians should express themselves. So I don’t know who you can accuse
the government of being heavy –handed.
And contributing to the debate, Kampyongo and his ministry was working to ensure that it
created and enabling environment for media practitioners.

“It is evident that the Ministry has broadened itself in terms of the institution that has been
established to entertain our citizens. And you can tell by looking at the number of radio and
television stations that have dotted across the country. I just want to say that our people have
got their rights express themselves, but also to understand that there is no such thing as
absolute freedom. Every freedom must be expressed within the confines of the law.
Those that have got the responsibility to allow people to express themselves must make sure
that those allow to voice out are voicing within the confines of the law, you can’t just wake up
to go on a platform and starting demeaning, insulting the office of the President.

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