The economic environment remained as tumultuous as the second and third quarters with most
economic fundamentals posting poor performance. The cost of maintaining media operations
remained high mainly due to currency exchange volatility and other factors. The developments
in the economic environment, such as the effects of the coronavirus pandemic negatively
affected the media throughout the year.
Finally, the technological environment in the fourth quarter was somewhat positive as
compared to developments in the second and third quarters in which several arrests and
negative actions by the State were recorded.
It is, therefore, critical that insight is drawn from the findings in line with the recommendations
highlighted herein.


Safeguarding the sustainability of media enterprises
Given the negative economic trends observed in the quarter, it is critical that a
stimulus package is introduced and other empowerment schemes also take into
cognisant the needs of the media sector. Deliberate moves must be taken through
the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to develop a package of incentives
(tax, non-tax, empowerment) to bail out media houses from what is expected to be
a tough year economically. There must be, as a matter of urgency, creation of a
specific media stimulus package just like that created for the arts industry through
the National Arts Council


Need for professionalism and adherence to media ethics
There is need for the media (both public and private) to adhere to professional codes
of journalism and basic tenets such as objectivity, balance, fairness and the public
interest. These tenets are critical if the media are to serve the public and contribute
to the attainment of functional democracy.


Enactment of Media regulation and Access to Information Bills
As a step forward, it is critical that the Access to Information Bill is enacted to
improve ability of citizens to hold their government accountable. It is critical that
the enactment of a media regulation Bill be approached cautiously with a guarantee

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