Digital advancement entails increased revenue flow as media will be able to expand their reach
as well as platforms which can be used for advertising.
Further, such a move enhances access to information as more citizens will be equipped with
the tools and technology for them to access information on demand on various subjects of
interest. It is only hoped that such technology will be made affordable for the majority
Zambians and particularly the media sector. Further, such technology will enhance information
dissemination by the media even in such times of the COVID-19 pandemic which crippled
media operations at its height in the previous quarter.
Another issue worth noting is the call on the media by Information Permanent Secretary, Amos
Malupenga, to increase reportage on science and technology. Mr. Malupenga observed that the
media had concentrated their reporting on politics at the expense of various developmental
Just as was noted in the Socio-political environment above, the media need to balance the issues
they cover as part of their news and overall content. This further entails understanding the
various nuances and respecting gender and other sensitive aspects such as cultural dynamics
and so on. Indeed, and in this respect, there is need for the media to expand to other topics such
as science and technology as observed by the Information PS. Some studies have shown that
there is limited coverage of other issues such as health, among others, by Zambian media
outlets32. It is important for media houses to ensure they widen their beats and put in place
specific interventions to widen their coverage to other topics such as science, technology and
health, among others.
Another development worth noting in the technological environment for the quarter under
review is the listing of Zambia among twenty-five governments allegedly doing business with
a private surveillance firm that exploits mobile network vulnerabilities (SS7 protocols) to spy
on calls, texts and location data33.
The revelations arose from a report by Citizen Lab (a Canadian watchdog group) which used
internet scanning and found a unique signature associated with the hostnames of Check Point


For example, a 2012 Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) study analysing the Zambian media overage of health
issues found that coverage of such specialist topics is highly limited. See

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