from criticism and is redundant in so far as its intentions are covered by other legal provisions
such as Seditious practices as well as civil defamation-among many other demerits of the law16.
Other notable developments in the quarter under review included the findings of the Regional
MISA Transparency Assessment Report which examines the openness and transparency of
public organisations in Southern Africa17. The study evaluates to what degree information is
made available to citizens upon request as well as assessing whether public organisations
proactively make relevant information available via an online presence in the form of a website
or social media accounts.
In Zambia, a total of nine (9) public institutions were surveyed. The study found that
information dissemination by public organisations in Zambia, based on requests from ordinary
members of the public, is a struggle. It was also found that provision of information through
online platforms continues to improve; most state organisations utilise websites and social
media to make information available to the public, thereby abiding by one of the principles of
Access to Information, which is proactive disclosure.
It was observed in the study that information provision has been at the top of the agenda of
most public organisations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the objective of keeping the
public informed of developments around the pandemic.
Overall, the most open institution was found to be the Electoral Commission of Zambia in line
with the study’s criteria18.


As concluded in several studies, among them Manchishi, K. (2017). Defamation of the President and the
law’s effect on media performance: a study of the Zambia Daily Mail and the Post Newspaper. Unpublished
Master’s dissertation. Lusaka: UNZA.

The full report is available at


Other institutions surveyed are: Anti-Corruption Commission, Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit,
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of General Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of
Mines and Mineral Development, and Road Transport and Safety Agency

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