
Political parties and related stakeholders should engage with the media for them to
have adequate knowledge about their programmes


Police should apply the law fairly

Through such engagements, it hoped that strides will be made in curbing violence against
journalists and media outlets alike, especially that the country goes to the polls in 2021.
However, all stakeholders must be alive to the role the media play in facilitating enjoyment of
certain civil and political rights as enshrined in the Bill of Rights. This should be the overriding
factor and such actions as notifying the police whenever a programme is being hosted must
only be for administrative purposes as police already have the duty to serve and protect all
members of society-the media inclusive without bias. This is so because in certain incidents
recorded in the previous quarter, police were present during some attacks but dragged their feet
in dealing with perpetrators of violence against media outlets.
Additionally, the IBA (in partnership with other relevant statutory bodies) must take extra steps
in safeguarding the broadcast media which falls under its charge. The Authority is obligated to
promote a pluralistic and diverse broadcasting industry and such attacks on media houses
undermine this aim as stipulated in the Authority’s Act, among others.
It is no wonder some stakeholders, such as US Embassy Charge D’Affaires raised concerns
On the social front the quarter witnessed a general downward trend in the number of cases of
COVID-19 as well as the easing of restrictions, which made journalistic operations much
easier. This is in contrast to the previous quarter in which heightened measures were put in
place as well as restrictions which affected the media with regard to news gathering, hosting
of sources and rotational work schedules to meet preventive guidelines. These had both social
and economic effect on the media as elucidated in the economic environment in this and
previous reports. Notably though, the quarter closed with a significant spike in cases and the
possible resurgence of a second wave of the Corona Virus a situation which could lead to
reintroduction of restrictive measures.

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