commitment to media freedom are to mean anything, especially that the incident keeps
recurring at Mpika Radio.

Secondly, the action of police and other authorities interfering in the operations of the media
has the potential of instilling a chilling effect and leading to the marginalisation of certain actors
for fear of political and legal retribution.
The media, according to Norris (2000:9) have three significant functions under normative
assumptions of a representative democracy3. The media are expected to facilitate pluralistic
competition by acting as some civic fora for debate. The media also facilitate public
participation and encourage political learning and interest. Finally, the media preserve the
conditions for civil liberties and political rights. These functions can only be fulfilled if a safe
and conducive environment is created. The interference in the operations of media houses is
clearly a sign of a high level of intolerance of dissenting views, a situation that can influence
media performance4.
Thirdly, the action of blocking political guests from featuring on radio stations also has an
economic effect because it reduces the revenue generated by media outlets, most of which are
grappling with the reality of a harsh economic environment as shown in the economic section


Norris, P. (2000). A virtuous cycle: political communications in post-industrial societies. New York: Cambridge
Unviersity Press.

According to findings in Manchishi, K. (2017). Defamation of the President and the law’s effect on media
performance: a study of the Post and Zambia Daily Mail Newspaper. Unpublished master’s dissertation.
Lusaka: UNZA.

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