


The Socio-political environment in the quarter under review was generally better than that
witnessed in the previous quarters chiefly due to a reduction in instances of political violence
and harassment of journalists and media houses.
One of the incidents witnessed in the fourth quarter, the blocking of Democratic Party president
Harry Kalaba from featuring on a live programme on Mpika FM on 12th October, is notably
reminiscent of the trends observed in the second and third quarters as a form of censorship and
barring of political leaders from featuring on media outlets. Mr Kalaba who was scheduled to
feature on a paid-for programme was allegedly barred following instructions from the District
Commissioner and Police authorities in the area. The Station opted to feature Mr Kalaba on a
recorded programme which was aired much later1. A similar incident was again recorded on
21st December when Police summoned Mpika Radio management for hosting DP president
Harry Kalaba without their permission, further threatening them with arrest if they did not
submit a recording of the said programme. Allan Dumingu, Mpika Radio Station Manager said
the following in some of the media excerpts monitored:
“Management was summoned, though I was out, but I was given a report that they were
summoned yesterday (Monday). They were summoned by the officer in-charge. S, they
went and they asked them why they hosted the programme without getting permission
from the police. So they said they consulted the DC and the DC gave them a go ahead.
The police said ‘the DC did not have any authority to give permission, it is the police
who are supposed to give permission’. So when the guys from management called me,
they were asked to submit the recording for the same programme. So when they tried
to resist a bit, they were told that they would be locked up for five days if they didn’t
submit the audio. So that is how they were taken to the station and they gave out the
audio to the police…They gave them the flash and told them that every time they have
a political programme hosting any politician, whether it is from the PF or from the
opposition, they are supposed to first get permission from the police on whether to have
that programme or not. If they don’t do that, they will be just coming to grab the whole
management team and lock us up. According to them, that is the new regulation. So I
don’t know whether it is emanating from that MOU that was signed between IBA, MISA
and the police on getting permission from the police. So I even intend to call MISA and
get guidance because a lot of media stakeholders expressed concern on that MOU.


As reported on Diamond TV news on 13th October, 2020 and followed up at Mpika FM by MISA.

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