Mr Kasolo said radio stations should be responsible because they had power to inform, transform
lives and contribute to fostering peace, unity and development while enhancing freedom of
expression for Zambia’s thriving democracy.
He said the Government would continue creating an enabling environment for the continued
growth and contribution of radio to national development by allowing more radio stations to be
established by local communities in every part of the country.
Of note here is that the media’s mandate is to report truthfully regardless of who or what is being
reported on. Therefore, Mr. Kasolo’s plea may not apply.
6.0 Other Developments
It was refreshing to note that during the quarter under review, the Minister of Information and
Broadcasting services had pledged to support the media in their effort to creating an informed
On the 29th of October, 2019, Lusaka Times Online Newspaper publication reported that
Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya says Government will do everything
possible to support the media in their effort to create an informed society.
Ms Siliya was quoted saying Government remains resolved and committed to ensuring that the
aspirations and needs of the people are effectively met. This she stated could only be achieved
with the support of the media. This was a powerful statement made in support of the role that
media plays in the development agenda of the country.
7.0 Conclusion
There is an urgent need to get the Access to Information Bill tabled in parliament and its enactment
accelerated. The current status quo is not healthy as there is no law compelling public office bearers
to release information to the media and the public at large. It is argued that the increase in the
usage of self-publishing platforms like social media has culminated into an increase in publishing
of information that is usually laden with rumours and hearsay and by the time public office bearers
come to clear the air, information released via social media and other self-publishing platforms is
inconsistent with the information already in the public domain. The solution to sorting the


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