The members appointed were Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent
Secretary Chanda Kasolo now replaced by Amos Malupenga, Beatrice Mwansa, Claire
Limbwamba and Margret Siwale. Others are Sipho Phiri, Chalimba Phiri and Enita Hamatumbika.
The paper quoted Ms. Siliya saying there is need to educate the public on IBA’s operations and
the procedure to be followed when engaging the authority. She said Government is committed to
promoting business in the media industry, while providing regulation that offers a conducive
environment for various players.
Meanwhile, the paper further reported that Ms. Siliya has urged the Zambia National Broadcasting
Corporation (ZNBC) Board, Management and workers to come up with sustainable strategies to
keep the institution financially afloat.
The paper reported that:
“Government is concerned about the situation at Zambia National Broadcasting Services
where workers have not yet received their November salaries. “ZNBC needs to think
outside the box to avoid the same problems re-occurring each time they have to pay their
workers,” she said.
In similar circumstances, the quarter under review recorded an instance of Times of Zambia
employees being suspended from duty. On the 10th October, 2019, The Mast Newspaper
Publication carried a heading ‘Lift Suspensions Of Times Journalist, ZIIMA demands’.
It was reported by the newspaper that, The Zambia Institute of Independent Media Alliance
(ZIIMA) had demanded the lifting of suspension of the five Times of Zambia journalists namely;
Samuel Lukanda, Joseph Banda, Moses Chimfwembe, Allan Makoba and Jacob Sikamba, all from
the newspaper’s Ndola Office.
In a statement published by the Times of Zambia, ZIIMA noted that:
“Times of Zambia workers have gone up to 10 months without salaries, a situation that is
aggravating poverty among the workers at the government-owned Newspaper. ZIIMA is
saddened that the Industrial Development Cooperation (IDC), the umbrella of all
parastatals, has not yet given money to the Times of Zambia for the Newspaper to settle its


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