The paper reported that Mr. Kafwaya said there was need for the country to strengthen the
invention and use of ICTs in the transformational agenda of technological advancements.
It was further reported that the Minister added that the transformation of the ICT sector would help
meet the country’s development aspirations to be a middle income country by 2030.
It was reported that government recognized the role the ICT sector plays in the transformation of
the country’s economic sector.
The Minister said government remains resolved to improving the communication sector through
initiating programmes such as the ongoing policy review in the postal sector, the construction of
communication towers and the connecting of districts to high fibre networks.
It must be noted that as the country continues to advocate for accelerated digital transformation, it
is important that we pay close attention to managing the risks associated with increased uptake
and usage of ICTs. Cyber related risks and crimes represent a grave, immediate and growing threat
to the benefits associated with digital transformation. The magnitude and pace of change in digital
innovations mean that those that are slow or are poor in the adoptions of current innovations risk
adverse effects on their industries, governments and nations. The failure to adopt to new
innovations render most organisations to be uncompetitive at both local and global level. At
individual level digital innovations have disrupted the way people live, work and play. Buyer
behaviour has drastically changed, and companies have to constantly find new ways of not only
selling goods and products but new ways of engaging and communicating to customers and general
public. As a country we can’t not remain behind and let the world pass us by. We need to move
with the times.
The need to move with the digital times is of great essence to the development of the nation. As
reported in the 1st quarter by the Zambia Daily Mail newspaper on 19th March 2019, attributed to
the then Minister of Transport and Communication, Dr. Brian Mushimba, “The future of Zambia
is a smart Zambia; the future of Zambia is the ability to deliver services on the back of the ICT.
The future of Zambia is increasing productivity on the back of ICTs.”


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