It was interesting to note the quick U-Turn by the Information Minister after threatening and almost
starting a completely fresh process of drafting another media regulation framework at the
insinuation that the group of journalists tasked with the role had abandoned the process when in
fact not.
However, in re-affirming their commitment towards the operationalisation of ZAMEC the
forerunners of the process of self-statutory regulation on 29th November, 2019, the Technical
Working Group issued a communique saying:
Following the mandate given to the Technical Working Group on media self-regulation at
the first Insaka held on May 10, 2019 at Golden Peacock Hotel in Lusaka, and as part of
its continued consultations over a statutory self-regulatory mechanism to provide
impartial, expeditious and cost-effective arbitration to settle complaints against the media
and other professional matters, the Committee with the support of various stakeholders
developed a Draft Bill on media self-regulation which was validated and approved by
members on November 29, 2019 at Lusaka’s Golden Peacock hotel.
It was reported that the Technical Working Group is pleased to announce that about 203 media
stakeholders drawn from government, civil society representatives and media practitioners from
public, online, private and community media, have successfully held a second Insaka were the
ZAMEC draft Bill was adopted.
The adopted ZAMEC draft Bill would soon be submitted to Information and Broadcasting
Services Minister for purposes of facilitating the Bill’s enactment by Parliament.
With this adoption, we assure members of the public that unprofessionalism in the media
which has been at the centre of public concern will be addressed once this Bill is enacted
into law as it creates an opportunity for public redress, rights to reply and correction of
erring journalists and/or media houses.
This Bill is also part of our quest to get rid of individuals masquerading as journalists
within the profession. Time is up for the quack journalists and masquerades who have
dented our much cherished profession with impunity.


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