SECTOR 2 agents have their preferred outlets and they will decide which outlet gets the advertising and how much. Government has its own budget cycle with the most productive months being April to July or August and of course this impacts negatively on media houses. As a result, media houses are unable to plan long term projects and go through extremely lean months with limited advertising. The advertising market has been shrinking in the last few months and the media is corresponding accordingly. “We don’t have an advertising department, we just have somebody who waits to collect the adverts because they come on their own. There is no need to go out there. We have tried to go out to districts and we end up using 500 Maloti on fuel just to get two 5x2 sized adverts which are 80 Maloti and small businesses don’t pay so you have to insist on cash up front. They don’t understand the need to advertise.” Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 1.8 (2010 = 1.8; 2008 = 1.1; 2006 = 1.5) Average score for sector 2: 2.3 (2010 = 2.4; 2008 = 1.9; 2006 = 1.6) AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER LESOTHO 2012 37