SECTOR 2 countrywide distribution of between 5 and 6 newspapers around the country on a weekly basis and the costs would be shared. This would also capture the attention of advertisers who would be interested in the readership base being increased. There was a feeling that newspapers grouping their circulation and distribution would not work well, as the papers come out on different days of the week and also because they are competing papers, so it would be difficult to jointly market the papers. The Lesotho Times has struck a barter deal with DHL which distributes its’ newspapers countrywide for free and in return receives free advertising. The problem is that it is not distributed to a specific outlet so it is up to retailers to purchase the paper and sell it to consumers. It is also difficult to keep track of sales. This distribution initiative works well in areas where the newspaper is in demand. The church and state network have better structures for countrywide distribution but lack capacity to ensure that it is done effectively and efficiently. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 2.4 (2010 = 4.0; 2008 = 2.4; 2006 = 1.3) 2.4 The editorial independence of print media published by a public authority is protected adequately against undue political interference. The bilingual Lesotho Today/Lentsoe la Basotho’s is the only government paper in Lesotho. Staff at the publication may not receive directives or instructions from the Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology which it falls under. However, it seems likely that journalists at the organisation practice some sort of self-censorship and are aware of what it is possible to write and what will not be approved. 30 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER LESOTHO 2012