The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
2.1 A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
Lesotho does not have a national daily newspaper but there are numerous
weekly publications that publish on different days. Lesotho Today is a stateowned publication while Public Eye, Lesotho Times, Sunday Express, Informative,
MoAfrica are privately-owned.
However, newspapers are becoming an expensive option for consumers who
would rather buy bread or take a taxi home.
Radio has become one of the most popular mediums in Lesotho and the market
is expanding. Over the past two years, 5 new radio stations have gone on air in
addition to the 8 existing private radio stations. As private radio stations increase
in popularity, state run Radio Lesotho is losing ground with audiences.
Radio is considerably cheaper to all other media products and it also has a wide
reach. Those that are connected to the national grid have a wider reach, but the
ordinary FM radio stations that are not connected to the national grid only reach
certain parts, mostly urban centres.
The penetration of Lesotho Television is free-to-air and is available almost
nationwide. However, those who can afford it, have turned to pay television
channels offered via DStv by Multichoice. The maximum payment for this is about
600 Maloti (approximately US$72) but there are other cheaper options with
limited viewing channels.
There are many internet cafes around urban centres but very few in rural
communities. It is prohibitively expensive for most people who find it difficult
to access internet at 5 Maloti (under US$1) for 15 minutes. There has been an
improvement in the broadband network and internet is more accessible.
Many people access internet via cellphones and so it has become very competitive
as the service providers vie with each other in offering the best deal for the lowest



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