2. What kinds of activities are needed over the
next two years?

MISA should encourage its members to cover media reform issues in a
more focussed and dedicated manner.
Media organisations should continue to refuse categorically any
cooperation with a statutory media council as planned by the Zimbabwe
Media Commission.
MISA and MAZ should engage more with civil society organisations on
media reform issues through discussion fora, using their Media Policy
Framework and Public Broadcasting Charter as starting points.
Journalism departments of universities and colleges should invite editors
to discuss with politicians the way the media works.
The Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS) should
be encouraged to put more pressure on the Broadcasting Authority of
Zimbabwe to start the licensing process for community radios.
MISA should intensify its ongoing campaign to transform the Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation into a truly public broadcaster.
Media lobby groups should seek legal advice on possible litigation
An Indaba on Ethics and Professionalism in the Media should be hosted by
a university or other autonomous and professional institutions, bringing
together decision makers in the media across the political divide.
The two editors’ associations should seek partnerships with journalism
training institutes at colleges and universities to develop curricula based
on the needs of the industry and academia.

The panel meeting took place at Antelope Park, Gweru, 20 to 22 April 2012.



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