One of the main areas of concern is that the media across the board are not
carrying enough investigative stories primarily because resources at media houses
are stretched thin and these types of stories require time, skills and money.
Investigative journalism needs specialised skills beyond the mere pursuing of a
hard news or feature story. Journalists need persistence, patience and the ability
to look for evidence to back up claims made in the story. These qualities are
lacking in the new crop of journalists. Journalists who have experience and skill
are moved into management positions after five or six years in the profession and
do not have the time to do the kind of investigative and analytical stories they
received recognition for. Passing on their skills is difficult in an environment that
has tight deadlines and suffers from work overload.
Amongst the younger journalists there is a culture of fear and they are unable to
deal with intimidation. It takes courage to work on an issue involving influential
people. Journalists are aware that they do not enjoy any protection after they
have done an investigative story – they could be forced to reveal a source or even
get into more serious trouble. Media houses are reluctant to invest in investigative
reporting in terms of insurance which is needed to protect journalists.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.1 (2010:2.6; 2008:2.5; 2006:1.8)

4.4 Equal opportunities regardless of race or ethnicity,
social group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities and age
are promoted in media houses.
There are very few women in decision making positions in the print media while
there are far more women heading various departments in the broadcasting
The Zimbabwe Independent appointed its first female news editor in March this
year, barely four months after she had been promoted to senior political editor. At
NewsDay, the features editor is female and the Daily News has a woman deputy



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