
Zimpapers has a code of conduct and when a story has to be retracted,
disciplinary measures are taken against the offending journalist.
ZBC has a code of conduct that journalists are expected to follow. The
Voice of Zimbabwe has set up a website and provides an email address
for complaints.

There are plans in the pipeline for the Zimbabwe Media Commission to set up a
statutory media council under regulations laid out in AIPPA. The statutory media
council will run parallel to the VMCZ. Media organisations have categorically
stated that they will not participate in the process of setting up such a statutory
media council and will not endorse representatives from the media as requested
under AIPPA. The Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) is one of the organisations
that are expected to nominate candidates for positions in the media council but
they have declined to do so. The ZMC is planning to go ahead regardless whether
they are supported by the media or not.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.2 (2010:2.8; 2008:1.7; 2006:1.1)

4.2 The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of accuracy and fairness.
Some media houses try hard to ensure information is confirmed, facts are checked
and figures are accurate. There are other sections of the media where this thorough
process is ignored and there is no accuracy at all.
Too often, the media use the term “impeccable sources” or “sources close to”,
turning the story faceless. “There are certainly instances were sources have to be
confidential and their names not published but journalists abuse these terms.” The
Herald has attempted to address this problem by ensuring that their journalists
provide the names of their sources to the editor and news editor. If the journalist
refuses to provide the name of his or her source, the story is spiked.
Of concern is the tendency by journalists in both state and private media to make
up quotes. Headlines are often inaccurate or misleading. In a bid to capture the



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