2.7 All media fairly reflect the voices of both women
and men.
The coverage of issues cannot be considered fair, especially in a tabloid such
as H-Metro which demeans women in the way it portrays them and carries
degrading pictures of women on the front page.
This is one illustration of the fact that the media is a reflection of the patriarchal
structure and attitudes of Zimbabwean society. Gender roles are specified and
there are unwritten and unofficial rules that spell out the role of men and women.
“It is the way we are socialised and the way we grew up - men always had this
dominant space. You only have to look at the newsrooms - the men are in the
decision making posts and there are very few women at the top.”
An informal survey of the print media found that most articles in every section
focused on men as subjects and as sources. The stories talked about the
achievements of men in their different fields and when the spotlight was turned
on women it was either as a victim or the perpetrator of a crime – such as the
woman who beat up her husband. The role of women in social situations is
dramatised and sensationalised.
A study on gender and the media, commissioned by the Media Monitoring
Project Zimbabwe (MMPZ) in 2011, found “that women remain at the periphery
of the news, either appearing in limited roles or simply invisible”. Even quality
papers mainly talk about women and not with them: The front pages remain a
male bastion with only 22 per cent of articles reviewed in a three-month period
featuring women as news sources.
The Herald instituted a gender policy early in 2012 to promote the voices of
women and the newsroom agreed that their female colleagues would take the
lead in this initiative.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.2 (2010:1.3; 2008:n/a; 2006:n/a)

Select target paragraph3