This is where Zimpapers with government as the majority shareholder has an
advantage over other media houses. They are able to source and carry stories from
rural areas and then ensure that their publications get to these areas. There are 22
cars sent out of Harare every night to distribute The Herald all over the country.
In addition, Zimpapers has made arrangements with bus drivers to distribute the
paper in areas that are not reached by their company cars.
The privately owned daily NewsDay has also been working on increasing its
circulation and made similar arrangements with bus operators to distribute the
newspapers along their service route.
Two civil society initiatives distribute older copies of newspapers for free to
communities in remote areas so that citizens outside cities and towns get access
to a diversity of news.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.8 (2010:1.7; 2008:1.0; 2006:1.3)

2.4 The editorial independence of print media published by a public authority is protected adequately
against undue political interference.
Zimpapers, the company which publishes newspapers such as The Herald, is
majority-owned by government. The current board was appointed in October
2009 by the ZANU PF Minister of Media, Information and Publicity very much to
the dismay of the MDC – the party complained that they had not been consulted.
The editorial policy of Zimpapers’ publications is to defend government policy.
If government supports indigenisation of the economy, for example, then The
Herald as the stable’s flagship will endorse that position “one hundred per cent”.
This is apparently achieved without too much overt coercion. A panel member
observed that “... there is no daily interference. There is self-censorship. They
may let you get away with things, but you don’t really know, so half the time
people are self-censoring themselves.”



Select target paragraph3