controlled organisations feel isolated, especially when they make the effort to
support causes. They often risk losing their jobs when they do so and they are not
supported by media lobby groups to the extent that journalists working for the
private media are.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.5 (2010:4.2; 2008:3.1; 2006:2.5)

1.12 Media legislation evolves from meaningful consultations among state institutions, citizens and interest groups.
There has been no new media legislation over the last two years but going
on past experience the promulgation of media legislation has never been a
consultative process. The Broadcasting Services Act, AIPPA and the Interception
of Communication Act were all enacted with minimal consultation.
There is a process whereby the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee for Transport
and Communication invites members of the media and other stakeholders to
attend public hearings but this tends to be a window dressing exercise. People
participate but there is no guarantee that their viewpoints will be considered let
alone incorporated.
Two years ago the government invited stakeholders in the media industry to a
meeting in Kariba to discuss AIPPA and other pieces of legislation. Sections of
the media decided to boycott the gathering because it was obvious from the
programme that the government wanted the media to participate in a process
whose outcome was predetermined. If certain media organisations had attended
it would have allowed the state to push through its position while claiming that
there had been consultation. Further justification for the boycott was provided
when two journalists were arrested on the eve of the meeting – this made it quite
clear to members of the media that the government was not sincere in working
towards reform.



Select target paragraph3