(ZAMWA) is a national media association for women journalists from the print,
electronic media and communication sectors.
However, generally “the state of these professional bodies is poor, and most
are limping”. They are dependent on donors, so when the donor pulls out,
they collapse. With the forthcoming elections, there may be more support from
donors during 2021.
Training is required for organisations to draw up proposals for funding. During
Covid, there were many calls for organisations to apply for support and funding,
but most failed to to apply because of complex requirements such as three-year
audited reports (which many did not have).

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:








2017 = 2.9

4.5 Journalists and media houses have integrity and
are not corrupt
There have been no cases of journalists convicted for corruption. Integrity and
corruption are sometimes difficult to measure. “There are just a few bad eggs.”
However, corruption is linked to integrity. If your integrity is compromised,
you can move towards corruption. It is ‘receiving gratification or promise of
gratification for someone to do something’.
An example of compromised integrity would be poor salaries and lack of
transport. If journalists need money to cover the transport cost, then the media
house is compromising the journalist. It creates a borderline conflict of interest
or corruption.
Similarly, with poor salaries. If a journalist has a salary but is given extra money
for a job they have already been paid for, that is also essentially corruption.
Journalists are therefore compromised. The integrity of the final product (the
story) will be compromised if it is informed by the inducement.
The problem is that “corruption is a very difficult crime to convict”. Essentially
you are dealing with “two satisfied clients”. The one is happy to give the service,
and the other is happy to receive it.



Select target paragraph3