1.8 Websites, blogs and other digital platforms are not
required to register with or obtain permission from
state authorities
Currently, there is no requirement for websites and blogs to be registered, but
the government has signalled that there should be such licensing, as well as
proposing digital tax on platforms such as Netflix. The tax will be on the data
used by the consumer.
The government has stated that there was abuse, and this is the reason given for
the various Cyber Crimes Acts to be tabled. The president has stated that he has
gone through the Acts and is satisfied that they protect everyone.
The Acts extend to sites hosted outside the country, and there are also provisions
for hearsay to be considered as evidence, even if outside the jurisdiction of the
Zambian authorities. The accused will now face the full force of the law, even if
just based on hearsay evidence.
In terms of domain names, Zambia has one of the lowest registration of local
domains (.zm) because of a fear that the website might be closed down and
disappear. In effect, it is mainly the government that uses the .zm domain name.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:









2017 = 4.2

1.9 The state does not seek to block or filter internet
content unless in accordance with laws that
provide for restrictions that serve a legitimate
interest and are necessary in a democratic society,
and which are applied by independent courts
There have been alleged cases of Facebook sites being blocked and filtered, and
although an African Court judgement in Togo made it clear that it was illegal for
African governments to filter content, the new Zambian Cyber Crimes Acts give
powers to the Minister to regulate the internet. He/She even has the power to
call for a total shutdown.



Select target paragraph3