SECTOR 1 Even journalists in the public media have some sort of freedom, even to defame people in their news. However, private media can be closed at any time. Those who are critical have to practice this freedom with caution; others can practice it carelessly. So certain media houses will report the truth without censorship, even though it is dangerous for them, and some courageous citizens say what needs to be said. But essentially, it is a matter of being politically correct. Citizens and journalists not only fear arrest but also being beaten by cadres who “will attack you whether you have a media card or not”. This fear has increased with the passing of the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Acts. Now, if you talk to a politician, the journalist will censor how that story should be published or broadcast. If you are from public media, the journalist can report based on what he is thinking at a particular time. The person from private media will look at it differently. This fear will increase, especially as Zambia moves towards elections. “You don’t know what you can write today might lead to an inspector knocking on your door in the morning confiscating your laptop or phone.” This has generated a ‘spiral of silence’ because of the politics of belonging. If you sympathise with a certain political party, you fear reprisals. This spiral of silence also extends to media houses. They know who to promote and who not to. If you are not in favour, you might be excluded from the media spotlight. Women experience more attacks, not only on their integrity but also on the way they look. People make comments on a politician’s appearance and whether or not they are divorced. This deters women from being in public life and speaking out openly. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: Score of previous years: ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2.1 2017 = 2.4 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER ZAMBIA 2021 11