State of the media report Q1-2021



The State of the Media is a quarterly report of trends and developments in the media sector as
compiled by the MISA Zambia Chapter. The report serves as an advocacy tool for media policy
reform as well as an archive of information which can be used for reference on media developments
in Zambia.
The report has previously helped to shape policy formulation with regard to media freedom, freedom
of expression and access to information in Zambia. The report, which has been published quarterly for
over fifteen (15) years, serves as a tool for dialogue and action in the media fraternity, government
and non-governmental sectors alike.
The rationale of the report is based on the corollary between media performance of certain cardinal
functions and democratic governance. However, the media are affected by various trends and
developments that could undermine their performance.
In this regard, the report is divided into various sections covering the socio-political, economic, legal
and technological environment in which the media operated in the period under review.
The objectives of the report are, therefore, to:

Report political, economic, legal and technological trends in the media sector in Zambia


Assess the level of freedom of expression and media freedom


Select target paragraph3