State of the media report Q1-2021

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya who is also Chief Government
Spokesperson urged members to pass the Bill saying if enacted into law the new legislation would
provide for protection for every Zambian against Cybercrimes. This law is intended for the people of
Zambia she said.
But United part for National development the central MP Jack Mwimbu reaffirmed that the opposition
was not in support of the bill claiming it would be a to spy on the people of Zambia and it should be
deferred for more consultation.
Alert-10th March (Radio Chete)
On 10th March, 2021, MISA Zambia received a report of Tear Gassing of Radio Chete by Patriotic
Front cadres for featuring the United Party for National Development (UPND) Provincial Chairperson
Rev. Matthews Chilekwa and George Sinkala Aspiring candidate Nakonde Constituency on their
Morning radio Programme called “Hard Line” in Nakonde District Northern Province.
Radio Chete Station Manager Mr. Moses Mbewe, confirmed the incident to be true and further said
the Known cadres tear gassed the radio station premises 15 minutes into the programme. He however
added that no member of staff was injured and no property was damaged.


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