State of the media report Q1-2021



Communique-12th January (Smart Eagles)
CABINET has directed the Ministry of Health and other agencies to enforce Covid-19 measures such
as the mandatory wearing of masks in public. In a statement issued yesterday after a virtual Cabinet
meeting, Cabinet directed that the Ministry of Health, as lead institution, working with all other
Ministries involved in the fight against the Covid-19, in the multi-sectoral approach, should enforce
measures announced by President Edgar Lungu during his national address on June 25, 2020.
"Mandatory use of face masks by everyone in public, avoiding unnecessary crowding and ensuring
social distancing, providing facilities for hand hygiene and sanitation, regular cleaning and
disinfecting public amenities, observing personal hygiene and coughing etiquette and avoiding
unnecessary movements," reads the statement.
Cabinet also noted that enforcement agencies have relaxed and that most of the measures are not
being implemented as announced by the President. The meeting further emphasised the need for the
general public to also adhere to the announcement made by the President on the partial reopening of
bars, taverns, and night clubs which were allowed to only open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays
from 18:00 hours to 22:00 hrs.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has also approved the National Cyber Security Policy which will ensure that
effective mechanisms are put in place for a well-coordinated governance framework on cyber security
thereby fostering the creation of a secure, reliable, and trustworthy cyber environment that increases
The meeting further noted that policy will assist in inculcating a culture of cyber security and protect
victims against cybercrimes, guide the mechanism of coordinating cyber security matters, develop
high local technical skills in cyber security and provide for Child Online Protection. The policy will
also promote the responsible use of social media platforms and facilitate identification, declaration
and protection of national critical infrastructure.
“Government, through this Policy, will take responsibility of ensuring that the public sector, private
sector, and civil society are not only aware of the dangers of cyberspace, but also that the respective
sectors take necessary measures of securing themselves," reads the statement.

Communique-15th January (Radio Phoenix)
The Media Institute of Southern Africa-MISA- Zambia has welcomed the approval of the National
Cyber Security Policy by cabinet.
During this year`s first cabinet meeting held virtually on Monday, 11th January, 2021, cabinet
approved the national cyber security policy which is expected to ensure that effective mechanisms are
put in place for a well-coordinated governance framework on cyber security thereby fostering the
creation of a secure, reliable, trustworthy cyber environment that increases confidence.
Commenting on the development, MISA Zambia chairperson Hellen Mwale says the institute has no
doubt that the contents of the policy will provide guidance on how to best to deal with online crimes
such as identity theft, pornography, online bullying, human trafficking among other vices that are
harmful to human rights and dignity.


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