State of the media report Q1-2021

of the media sector specifically. Deliberate moves must be taken through the Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting to develop a package of incentives (tax, non-tax,
empowerment) to bail out media houses from what is expected to be a tough year
economically. There must be, as a matter of urgency, creation of a specific media
stimulus package just like that created for the arts industry through the National Arts
iii. Guarantee of press freedom
There is need to enact specific legislation to safeguard press freedom in Zambia. The
legislation needs to have explicit guarantee of press freedom as well as the privileges to
be enjoyed by journalists and their responsibilities.
iv. Review of laws inimical to media freedom
There is need for the review of laws inimical to freedom of expression and of the media.
These include, among others, Penal Code provisions among others.


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