The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last two/three years?
Positive developments
• The emergence of new media organisations, including the Daily
Nation, which was formed in 2011.
• The growth in internet and mobile phone usage, which facilitates
citizen journalism, thereby creating greater sources of information.
• The emergence of blogs as an additional information/news stream.
• Greater access to radio stations using mobile phones.
• The formation of ZAMEC.
• A number of community radio stations that have gone online (e.g.
Masumbuka Radio).
• The MLC had an agenda to ensure that IBA is operationalised. It is now
operational, though the board is yet to be formed.
• Unanimity around media laws that need to be reformed. These laws
have already been identified, and include a number of laws in the
Penal Code.
• Government has been revising the media policy from 1996, and
making the new policy all-inclusive in view of developments that have
taken place. The new policy has been circulated to key stakeholders,
but has not yet been made official.
• Zambia now has four daily newspapers, with the creation of the Daily
Negative developments
• Blocking of the website, Zambian Watchdog.
• Clamp down on journalists.
• Observance of professional standards in the media is not being upheld,
and people are losing faith in mainstream media.
• Social media also needs to be questioned as it can be libellous, but
it has an important role to play because people have lost faith in
mainstream media because they “are not rising to the occasion”.
• Impact of the change in the political climate:
New government is too sensitive to criticism – less tolerance.
Decreased diversity/divergence in the media.
Increased self-censorship in the media to “toe the line”, and the
lack of self admission among the media that this is happening.+
Journalists are writing stories on online publications and blogs
that are very different from the stories that they write for their
respective media outlets (where they work for mainstream media
houses). This may be an indication that the climate in mainstream
media is restrictive for journalists.



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