Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

(2011:3.9; 2009:3.5; 2007:4.3; 2005:2.6)

4.8 Equal opportunities regardless of race or ethnicity,
social group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities and age
are promoted in media houses.
Generally, there are equal employment opportunities in media houses, and
discriminatory practices are rare.
The Post has “an affirmative action code” based on gender. “If a male and a
female are vying for a position and have the same points, the woman will get
the job.” Another panellist noted that several women are employed in media
houses, and pointed out that when he worked at the Kitwe office for the Times
of Zambia, he was the only male employee there.
There is no religious bias in media houses, but it is difficult for people who belong
to the Seventh Day Adventist denomination to work at a weekend publication
such as the Sunday Times. (Seventh Day Adventists are forbidden to work on
Saturdays which is their day of worship). The Catholic radio stations do not
discriminate against employees based on religion, as they focus solely on the
applicant’s qualifications.
No discrimination based on racial lines is evident in media houses. Zambian media
houses are not well equipped to cater to journalists/employees with disabilities,
however, “the facilities that are provided discriminate against disabled people. At
The Post, a person in a wheelchair would not even be able to enter the building.”
The complexities involved in sending disabled reporters on assignments may be
taxing on them, even where they are eager to take on these assignments.
“There’s a mainstreamed policy against gay people,” and I have never come across
a gay journalist in a Zambian newsroom. In the Zambian context, the environment
doesn’t allow for it.”



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