Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

(2011:2.0; 2009:2.3; 2007:3.0; 2005:3.3)

4.3 Salary levels and general working conditions, including safety, for journalists and other media practitioners are adequate.
The salary levels of journalists and other media practitioners in Zambia vary
broadly, depending on the type of media house, and whether it is privately
owned, run by the state or community based.
“A poorly paid journalist is a threat to media freedom because they can be
compromised” in terms of corruption, bribery, and other forms of illegal and
unethical inducements. PAZA is working on addressing this issue.
In terms of actual salaries, the range is vast. A qualified entry-level journalist
can, in most instances, expect to earn approximately K3 500 (USD700) a month.
However, there is no set minimum wage for media practitioners. In Zambia, the
minimum cost for a food basket is pegged at K3 800. This amount is based on
a household of six people, and includes groceries and utilities, as well as a 30
percent apportionment to accommodation. Zambia does not have a set living
In private media enterprises such as The Post, remuneration is not structured.
“The concern is to survive in the market”, and journalists are paid based on the
“value” that they can add to the organisation. Entry-level journalists at The Post
can expect to start at K5 000, while assistant editors’ earnings begin at K17 000.
Starting salaries are negotiated based on ability, and increments are performancebased. “This is a competitive market, and if an organisation has to survive, we
need people that add value.”
At the Daily Mail, a qualified entry level journalist begins with a basic salary of
about K3 000, in addition to committed overtime (K600), and other benefits:=
K1 600 (housing), K600 (retention allowance) = K5800. At the senior level,



Select target paragraph3