Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

(2011: n/a; 2009: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2005:n/a)

3.6 The state/public broadcaster is adequately funded
in a manner that protects it from political interference
through its budget and from commercial pressure.
Aside from advertising income, the ZNBC relies on government funding for part of
its operational expenditure, and a committee is set up each year and tasked with
defending the budget to the Ministry of Information. The broadcaster produces
annual financial results.
This year, the broadcaster received a surge in funding due to broadcasting regional
and international events that took place in the country, including the Cosafa Cup,
the Zone VI Games and the World Trade Organisation meeting.
ZNBC also receives income from licence fees, which the public pays directly into a
ZNBC account. However, this income from licence fees amounts to less than the
funding amounts provided by government through the annual budget. If income
from licences superseded income from the national budget, “things would be
different”. Others noted, however, that irrespective of the funding ratio, “we
need a change in attitude and to follow the law to the letter in implementing
the act.”
In terms of political interference, the management of the broadcaster faces the
challenge of trying to remain independent while relying on government for a
good part of its funding. “This is where you say ‘you can’t bite the hand that
feeds you’.”
However, there is a push for the broadcaster to become more of a public
broadcaster as opposed to a state broadcaster, in line with the ZNBC Act. “The tax
man does not discriminate about who pays taxes, and so as a public broadcaster,
we shouldn’t be selective about news, in the interest of the public.”



Select target paragraph3