1.10 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom.
With the formation of the ZAMEC, media lobby groups actively advanced the
cause of media freedom by ensuring that it was set up as a self-regulatory
mechanism, instead of the statutory mechanism that government had been
attempting to create. The general public was also engaged in this regard, through
radio and TV programmes.
The Media Liaison Committee (MLC) has also been working with civil society to
create a strong push around ATI legislation. “In the past, media bodies tended
to speak about ATI as something to benefit the media only. There is a greater
attempt by MLC to broaden the ATI debate.”
In efforts to counter political statements about ATI only being a media issue,
the coalition is being driven by civil society and has been going into some of the
country’s more remote areas – e.g. Ndola and Eastern Province –– to engage with
traditional leaders and communities on ATI.
“There is a need for much more work to be done because if the public realised
how important this law would be, they would support it more.”
The public is “not really aware of media freedom issues”, as exemplified in the
few submissions that were made on the media provisions in the draft constitution.
“The report of the commission shows that less than five people made submissions
on provisions for the media issues. Unions and NGOs made submissions, but not
on media issues. They want to use the media when they need the media, but on
media issues they are quiet.”
The public is not well-informed on the media situation, and more needs to be
done to inform stakeholders in this regard. The media has not been very effective
in communicating media freedom issues, and the value of collectively lobbying on
these issues. “Media lobby groups are not communicating effectively.”
Some years ago, the MLC drew up a strategy to engage civil society more, “but
this has not been carried out effectively”.



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