Public officials/civil servants are restricted from giving out information. These
restrictions are not contained in any law, per se, but are noted in their employment
contracts. Executives in government do not feel compelled to ensure access to
information. “The current president has never held a press conference.”
Government also has a tendency to treat documents as secret – whether officially
or unofficially. The Draft Digital Migration Policy is confidential under the Official
Secrets Act. Holding public officials to account is therefore difficult.
Another example cited was a recent case where meat from the country’s largest
meat producer, Zambeef, was reported to be contaminated through the use of
chemicals that were not supposed to be used. “You could see from the stories
that there was an issue of lack of ATI.” At a press conference on the issue, the
media was told that the results of the testing done to assess this contamination
were available, “but they wouldn’t say what the results were.”
In addition to the poor sharing of information from public officials, citizens
and the media have to contend with outdated government ministry websites.
Additionally, information is centralised in Lusaka, and is not readily disseminated
to the regions. People with hearing and visual impairments also lack platforms for
accessing information.
The official language of documents is English, yet the majority of Zambians speak
other languages. “Community media has made a difference [to broadening
access to information] in terms of providing information in other languages…
[so] news and other programmes are conducted in Bemba and Lamba at some
community stations, rather than just in English.”
The Zambian Governance Foundation and the Zambia Civil Society Organisations
have also translated some official documentation into some of the country’s seven
major languages.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

(2011:2.3; 2009:1.2; 2007:1.2; 2005:1.0)



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