down this station because they are going beyond the boundaries of what we
gave them a licence for”.
In 2011, Radio Lyambai in Mongu in the Western Province was shut down for
alleged incitation against Lozi King Litunga and carrying critical coverage of the
Barotseland Agreement7.
Members of the panel noted, with concern, the “gradually escalating restriction
of freedom of expression coming from party members”.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

(2011:2.6; 2009:3.0; 2007:2.9; 2005:2.3)

1.3 There are no laws or parts of laws restricting freedom of expression such as excessive official secret, libel acts, legal requirements that restrict the entry into
the journalistic profession or laws that unreasonably
interfere with the functions of media.
Several laws restrict freedom of expression, such as those that entitle the president
to ban publications which he considers not to be in the public interest. Journalists
have also faced suspension from their media houses, as well as arrest, for writing
material seen as critical of government.
Many laws exist that restrict the functions of the media, including the State
Securities Act, the Parliamentary Privileges Act, the Anti-Terrorism Act and the
Penal Code which the panellists noted that it is one major law that, consists


Barotseland is a region in western Zambia - home to the Lozi (Barotse) people. According to Wikipedia, “On 18 May
1964, the Litunga and Kenneth Kaunda Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia signed the “Barotseland Agreement
1964” which established Barotseland’s position within Zambia in place of the earlier agreement between Barotseland
and the British Government. The agreement was based on a long history of close social, economic and political
interactions. The Barotseland Agreement granted Barotse authorities and people specified limited local selfgovernance rights and rights to be consulted on specified matters, including over land, natural resources and local


Select target paragraph3