3. TACTICS OF SURVEILLANCE USED ON JOURNALISTS In the table below, we outline the digital tactics that journalists can be subjected to. Journalists in the SADC region must be aware of these tactics mainly used by governments or other state institutions against journalists. TABLE 2: SURVEILLANCE TACTICS SURVEILLANCE TACTIC DESCRIPTION OF TACTIC Electronic communication surveillance Surveillance of email, instant messenger, text and voice (both landline and mobile). tapping, bugging, NSO surveillance tool. Public space surveillance Using existing public space, like CCTV infrastructure to monitor where journalists go, who they meet, which places they visit. Also included here is videotaping. Geo-location surveillance The use of location technologies such as GPS or IP addresses to identify and track the whereabouts of connected electronic devices. Because these devices are often carried on an individual's person, geolocation is often used to track the movements and location of people. Page 10 A SURVIVAL TOOLKIT FOR JOURNALISTS