Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.4 (2013:1.9; 2011:1.2; 2009:1.1;
2007:n/a; 2005:n/a)

3.3 The body, which regulates broadcasting services
and licenses, does so in the public interest and ensures
fairness and a diversity of views broadly representing
society at large.
With the 2010 amendment to the IBA Act, the IBA Board was authorised to
cancel or suspend broadcasting licenses. This, together with the amendments
made towards the appointment mechanism of the boards, “has left questions”
as to whether the Board is independent.
On the 22nd August 2016, the IBA suspended three broadcasting stations;
Komboni Radio, Itezhi Tezhi Radio and Muvi TV. “There was a blanket reason
given” for the suspension of the media houses – it was alleged that they posed
a risk to national peace and security due to professional misconduct before the
2016 elections12.
In a meeting with civil society, the IBA cited issuance of falsified election results
as the reason for the suspension. These contradicting statements, together
with the fact that the IBA waited until after the general elections to issue the
suspensions, (according to most panellists) seemed suspicious. “We can assume
they were given a directive,” to suspend the media houses, as all three of them
were presumed, “to support the opposition.” The suspended stations had one
thing in common; they all provided coverage to leading opposition figures and
aired their advertisements.
The suspensions were eventually lifted later that year and the broadcasting
equipment was returned. The IBA argued that they “have listened to the [public]
outcry” and that the media houses “apologised for having been wrong”. As a
result, the broadcasters’ operational licenses were restored. Others have suggested
12 The 2016 general elections were held on the 11th August 2016.



Select target paragraph3