SECTOR 1 1.6 Confidential sources of information are protected by law and/or the courts. The Public Interest Disclosure Act (also referred to as the Whistleblower Act) protects confidential sources. There exists a conflict between the Public Interest Disclosure Act and the Criminal Procedure Code, which can be used to compel journalists to reveal confidential sources. In the past, there have been cases where the court asked journalists to disclose sources. But the reporters “would rather die than give up the source.” These values are still being upheld by many journalists who are trying to protect their sources by any means possible. Recently, there have been no cases where the court compelled a journalist to reveal his or her source. There were nevertheless instances in which journalists were held in a prison cell for some days for refusing to reveal a source to the police. Concerns voiced by civil society and the general public would lead to the release of those media practitioners. In theory, the Public Disclosure Act does protect the public and journalists. However, in reality, there have been cases in which, because of the nature of the information provided, the source of the information is evident, which can lead to the source facing negative consequences outside court. “People have lost their jobs” over revealing information. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 3.9 (2013:1.5; 2011:3.1; 2009:1.8; 2007:1.1; 2005:1.2) AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER ZAMBIA 2017 21