Mr. Moyo in the Company of Police Officers is reported to have pounced on the radio station
last evening and stopped a paid for recorded UPND program claiming the radio station needed
to acquire a permit from the Police.
The Zambia Institute of Independent Media Alliance has challenged the Zambia police service
to arrest the District Commissioner, labelling him as a traceable perpetrator of media attacks.
ZIIMA President Jajah Coulibaly says it is sad that in this time and era, officers from the police
service who were used to close down PASME FM in Petauke district Eastern province at the
orders of a civil servant do not even understand the law but ignorantly act on political
Mr. Coulibaly said ZIIMA is shocked that civil servants under the current leadership go
unpunished despite committing crimes, the latest ones being the Petauke and Mwinilunga DC
who also blocked well-wishers from donating.
And MISA Zambia Chairperson Helen Mwale says her Organisation has received with great
disappointment the reports that PASME FM in Petauke District has been closed by order of
the District Commissioner in Petauke for airing a radio programme featuring an opposition
political party leader.
Ms. Mwale says the report indicates that the Petauke District Commissioner, Ms. Velenasi
Moyo went to PASME FM yesterday evening and stopped the broadcast of a paid-for recorded
radio programme featuring the United Party for National Development.
Ms. Mwale said MISA Zambia finds this senseless act by the District Commissioner not only
primitive but an assault and an affront to democracy and the right to citizens to fully express
themselves through their freedom of expression and hinders the ability of citizens to freely
access information without intimidation whatsoever. The role of the media remains to educate,
inform as well as to entertain and it should be given sufficient leverage to do so.
She has reminded the District commissioner that the Independent Broadcasting Authority is
the only institution that is mandated by law to regulate media stations as outlined in the IBA
Act following the abrogation of laid down procedures and code of ethics. The IBA also has a
complaints channel and procedure that the District Commissioner should follow if at all she
strongly feels that the station erred in any way.
Alert update-19th August (News Diggers)
LUSAKA High Court Judge Sharon Newa has dismissed a case in which the National Pension
Scheme Authority (NAPSA) had sued ADD leader Charles Milupi and News Diggers Media
Limited over a publication that allegedly accused it of corruption and mismanagement of
members’ funds. Justice Newa said in her ruling that a corporate body cannot commit the
offence of corruption, although its officers can and, therefore, no cause of action had been
revealed on which NAPSA could attach liability on Milupi and News Diggers. She therefore
dismissed the action for want of cause of action.


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