STATE OF THE MEDIA REPORT QUARTER 3. 2020 5. Based on your observations, what are your recommendations for media development? 6.2. QUESTIONNAIRE-MEDIA HOUSES MISA ZAMBIA STATE OF THE MEDIA REPORT QUARTER 3 (July-September) 2020 Dear respondent, MISA Zambia conducts a quarterly review of the state of the media in Zambia, detailing trends in the political, legal, economic and technological operating environment. In this regard, your assistance and input by response to the questions below will be of utmost help in compilation of a report for the third quarter of 2020. Ensure to give as much information as clearly as possible. Kindly tick the appropriate option. 1. Name of media outlet…………………………………… 2. Province in which the outlet is located Lusaka Central Southern Eastern Copper Belt 3. Media type Print Radio TV Online 4. What is your main source of revenue? Advertisements Community funding State funding Other (specify) ______________________________ 5. What is your average monthly revenue generated? Less than K20, 000 K20, 100-K40, 000 K40, 100-K60, 000 K60, 100-K80, 000 K80, 100-100, 000 Above K 100, 000 6. Have you experienced any reduction in monthly revenue since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic in Zambia? Yes No Not Sure 7. If yes, how much reduction have you experienced on average (percentage)? ________________ 8. Which of the following socioeconomic effects of the corona virus pandemic have affected your outlet? Reduction in workforce due to layoffs/rotational work schedules k k k k 39