well as audio tips for teachers to ensure continued literacy instructional and professional
support in the wake of COVID-1940. Such a move is a step in the right direction and adds to
other initiative such as the government’s launch of a dedicated education channel for secondary
school learners in the previous quarter41. This is positive use of media platforms, in keeping
with the main functions of mass communication.
On an equally positive note, on 26th August, ZICTA fined the three mobile service operators a
total of K5.4 million for failure to adhere to the quality of service guidelines issued in the
previous quarter 4243 .

Such enforcement of compliance measures and guidelines by the

Authority will help to improve service delivery, particularly of internet services which are vital
even in media operations.
Overall, the technological environment in the third quarter was stable given some of the
positive developments recorded during the quarter-a marginal improvement when compared to
the previous quarter which was found to be relatively stable. With regard to freedom of
expression online, however, the environment remained relatively weak, particularly dented by
the threats against citizens expressing dissenting views online, as well as the arbitrary
application of laws such as the alleged powers of the IBA to regulate the streaming
(‘broadcasting’) of content through social networks.


The review in this report has shown that there has not been much change between events of the
second quarter and the quarter under review. This is because the state of the media remained
unstable (despite minor improvement) in view of the many observations highlighted above.
The effect of the occurrences under key thematic areas cannot be overemphasised, especially
in view of the critical role the media were expected to play amidst the turmoil obtaining.
For example, on the socio-political front, high levels of political violence against media outlets
deemed to carry dissenting views was rampant. This is a situation of concern particularly
because of the chilling effect that it has on media outlets that will black out divergent views in


As reported by News Diggers Newspaper on 6th
August, 2020.


The fines were for call setup success rate, drop
rate, HTTP download rate on 3G and HTTP
successful internet log-ins, with Airtel Zambia
receiving the biggest fine of K4.8 million.




Select target paragraph3