Overall, the legal environment in the quarter under review was neutral as certain relatively
positive significant trends were observed. These included the approval of the Media Council
Bill, which could benefit the media fraternity by providing protection and improving standards.
Further, victories observed in cases such as that between NAPSA and News Diggers
Newspaper as well as the absence of new legislation aimed at stifling freedom of the press
augmented the status of the legal environment in the quarter. The legal environment in the third
quarter was clearly much better than that witnessed in the first and second quarters of the year
in which certain negative trends were observed. In both quarters, however, the lack of progress
on enactment of the ATI Bill remained an issue of paramount concern.


In the quarter under review, the economic environment remained in turmoil, with most
economic variables posting poor performance that in turn affected the economy negatively.
This is evidenced by projection of contraction of the economy by 4.2% in 2020 instead of
2.6%25 expected earlier, with many sectors of the economy affected, among them tourism,
wholesale and retail trade and construction.
This state of affairs was exacerbated by a significant decline in consumer and investment
spending due to disruption in business operations, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic among
other factors26.
Further, the rate of inflation in the quarter under review increased to an average of 16.1% from
an average of 13.5% in the second quarter, mainly attributed to depreciation of the Kwacha
against the dollar and other major convertible currencies. For example, at the beginning of the
quarter on 1st July, the Kwacha traded at K18.12 against the dollar and later depreciated to K
20.04 at the close of the quarter on 31st August.

the nineteenth consecutive month in September,
albeit at the slowest pace since February. The rate
of decline was much softer than May's record, but
panellists continued to report a lack of demand.
The full index report is available at


As monitored in the Bank of Zambia Monetary
Policy Committee Statement of August, 2020. See
_statement_august_2020.pdf. See also the
Monthly bulletin for September, 2020 issued by
the Zambia Statistics Agency.

According to the Stanbic Zambia Bank
Purchasing Manager’s Index New orders fell for


Select target paragraph3