towards this cause to ensure media freedom through a self-media regulatory
framework that was developed and agreed to by the Zambian media.
The move by Cabinet to approve the Bill is commendable and a step forward
for the media fraternity which has been gripped with several issues among
them political violence and harassment, unprofessionalism, high level of

Picture courtesy of MISA Zambia

political polarisation and exploitation among others. Despite the benefits
expected to accrue from the proposed media regulation Bill, it is pertinent
that certain considerations are taken into account going forward.
Firstly, it is important that the content of the Bill is safeguarded as agreed by
the various consultative meetings representing consensus among media
practitioners. This is so because as has been the case with some other Bills,
particular contents and provisions of a Bill can be changed prior to its
presentation in Parliament. Moreover, the Bill is still amenable to various
changes as it undergoes the processes of legislation in Parliament. Such
changes may insert or remove particular clauses that may be inimical to
media freedom.


Select target paragraph3