parties but to cover everyone and report ethically/professionally. Attacks on journalists
are usually perpetuated mainly by ruling party supporters. Zambia must seek ways of
stopping such attacks especially as Zambia approaches the 2021 elections. Journalists
must operate freely and independently without any undue pressure from external forces
Incidents such as the illegal closure of PASME radio in Petauke are major setbacks firstly
because the person involved (a District Commissioner) is a senior civil servant expected to
uphold high standards and support the implementation of government policy, including that of
promoting a pluralistic media environment. A District Commissioner is expected to be at the
forefront protecting the rule of law and not tramping roughshod on it. The move by the Petauke
DC was clearly a blatant disregard of the directive issued in the previous quarter by Chief
Government Spokesperson and Minister of Information, Dora Siliya, when DCs in Mpika and
Chinsali similarly interfered in the operations of media outlets. It is, therefore, prudent that
government takes decisive action against such officers if its pronouncements and commitment
to media freedom are to mean anything.
Further, such a move by a District Commissioner is also in disregard of the mandate of the
Independent Broadcasting Authority which is the competent institution to handle offences by
broadcast media outlets. The least an aggrieved person can do is to formally complain to a
broadcast station and later escalate the complaint to the Authority if the action taken by the
station is unsatisfactory. This is the due process prescribed by the IBA (Amendment) Act of
2010 6 and it is important that all stakeholders respect the process, a position which the
Authority reiterated after the attack on Mafken Radio7.
It is, therefore, not surprising that PASME, a private station, proceeded to demand for a sum
of K2 million as damages arising from District Commissioner Velenesi Moyo’s interruption of
the paid for programme as well as trespass through its lawyer Mr Gilbert Phiri8. MISA Zambia
assisted the station to hire the lawyer; Mr Gilbert Phiri.



Available at

According to a demand letter dated
August 17, 2020 for damages for trespass
addressed to Moyo by Messrs PNP
Advocates, the lawyers representing the
radio station




Select target paragraph3