Change Makers

Finally, I would just say that we're at a crossroads right now in terms of what we can and cannot achieve when
it comes to Internet freedom in Africa. It’s vital to think strategically about involving youth and the next
generation in this work.. People born in 2012 may not have the lived experience of revolutions, yet they are
already active on platforms like TikTok and Instagram at age 12. It is our responsibility to pass on our
institutional knowledge, our history and lessons from previous generations, and work together as a community
in relation to one another. Things are very challenging at the moment and we have to also be kind and gracious
with one another.
The upcoming generation is poised to redefine our landscape. Their norms for Internet use, practices, and even
their perceptions of privacy, differ markedly from ours. It's crucial that we devote more attention to and engage
in dialogue with them. This is not only vital for advancing Internet freedom but also for the overall well-being
of our societies. Although we may not be in the most optimistic period, it's important to remember that even
in challenging times, there are opportunities to shape a brighter future. Focusing on the youth, in my view, is a
wise strategy to ensure that the lessons we've learned are not forgotten but rather passed on and built upon.



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