Change Makers

What are some of the most promising innovations, best practices,
and initiatives that are contributing to the expansion of Internet
freedom and digital rights in Africa?
One of the innovations is the solidarity that the Internet allows. For so long, the African continent was
artificially separated, first of all with the artificial borders that we see in our countries today, and also the
divisions along ethnic lines that have been exploited by local and international bad actors to further divide the
continent and its population.
What we see is that the Internet and social media platforms e.g., TikTok, Instagram, etc., are spaces where
Africans can have rallying cries and can freely express solidarity for one another or for our different countries.
I'm always heartened to see people in South Africa, for example, being outraged by the Internet shutdown in
Gabon. This would have never happened before the Internet. So I think that solidarity, that ability to bond and
to collectively organize to achieve better aims, is very interesting, probably not innovation per se, but it is a kind
of historic innovation, if you will.
In terms of technical innovations, I'm always amazed to see how much Africans, in general, are resilient in the
face of a fast-changing digital environment. We're seeing, for instance, more discussions and innovations
because of the fact that we have much to overcome. So people are using innovation to fast-track the changes
we want to see and the changes to the difficulties that we see.
I think that the conversations about AI had started on the continent among citizens way before our
governments - which I don't think have actually started really taking a serious look at AI. I'm always heartened
to see that citizens understand innovation much better and see the benefits of innovation much better and in
advance of their rulers and leading officials.
I'm very curious about initiatives in the gaming space and in the artificial intelligence space, but also in spaces
that we're barely starting to talk about. Specifically about the Metaverse, which is not mainstream yet, but we
are already seeing communities on the African continent getting together to reflect on what these types of
immersive spaces can bring about for our digital spaces in Africa.

What are some of the emerging threats or pressing challenges to
Internet freedom in Africa, and how can we stay ahead of them?
The most pressing challenge at the moment is related to content and how content is being governed on the
Internet in general, but more specifically on platforms that host user-generated content. This is a more pressing
issue because of the reaction of governments given the increased and targeted social media blockings e.g. in
Senegal, where Tiktok was blocked recently (in October 2023). This is a sign that repressive governments will
want to try to control the conversation, something that they cannot do anymore because of the Internet and its
This is important because if we interest ourselves in these issues, we can talk about hate speech,
disinformation, and other harmful content, and how to address them. If we don’t discuss these, others will
discuss and define them for the African continent. As African CSOs and citizens, we should seize the opportunity
to define, in our own words, what the fight against these types of information will mean.



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