In order to improve the ATI landscape, especially with regard
to the accessibility of information held by government and
public institutions, the following issues should be addressed:
• Raising awareness of the Access to Information Act of 2016
and its regulations to public officials in order to accelerate
its implementation.
• Public awareness of the ATI law so that people can exercise
their fundamental right to access information.
• Creating sophisticated online systems, which will help any
person who requires information to easily access it.
• Public offices should employ information officers who
possess the relevant skills, including digital know-how.
• Capacity-building and the development of strategic plans
to improve understanding and competence in customer
service delivery and public access to information.
• Improve systems of communication as a way of gaining
public confidence and trust.
• Establish by-laws that will guarantee public’s access to
information at every level as provided for by the 2016 ATI
• Knowledge-sharing and skills-transfer by regularly
exchanging staff as one way of improving quality of
service delivery.




Some public institutions and ministries lack understanding
of the importance of access to information.
Lack of awareness of the ATI law, which hinders its
adequate implementation.

Select target paragraph3