decisions into account in their rulings. Citizens are taking a lot more of their
complaints about the media to ODEM than to the courts.
And they have reason to complain, as it happens quite often that media houses
publish information without verifying it. Moreover, there are media houses that
are aligned to a political side and are therefore not bothered by the balance or
exactness of their information.
Financial inluence is also a pressing issue. Certain news items are given coverage
because business owners or those concerned parties may have paid. hen there
is also still censorship by the media owners or self-censorship by the journalists.
he salary levels of journalists are very low and in some cases virtually inexistent.
his is a recipe for all forms of corrupt practices. he only exception to this state
of afairs is the case of public media houses where there are on-going negotiations
for better salaries.
here are opportunities for training in journalism. he trade unions and journalist
associations contribute in ofering training. hese unions are active in defending
the media.



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