4.4. Equal opportunities regardless of race or
ethnicity, social group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities
and age are promoted in media houses.
In broadcasting many women and youth are involved. It is even possible to be
the head of a media house when you are 30 years old. On the other hand,
challenges in the employment market have resulted in the search for highly
productive personnel, who can be paid the minimum and this has therefore led
to a situation where disabled people are not sure to be given equal opportunities.
One can however ind cases, where disabled people are given better positions e.g.
at Allada, a disabled person occupies a very important position on radio.
In their day to day work diferent interpretations are given to the issue of equal
opportunities since the task to be accomplished determines the required proile
of who is to be allowed to travel to cover the stories though the inal decision
is taken by the editor in chief. Mechanisms have also been put in place to
determine who is to travel within and out of the country. here is a database of
members of the editorial team of public broadcasting and this list is consulted
in determining who can travel. A panelist added that this mechanism is almost
no longer operational.
In the private media however, it is the inancial dividends that the editor in chief
uses to agree or not to allow his staf to travel. In case the amount is high, then
the editor in chief may go him/herself to determine whether he/she will travel
himself or delegate another member of the editorial team to do so.
Equal opportunity has its share of diiculties when it comes to promoting
women. Sexual discrimination is a given reality. Women are always challenged
with the fact that they should not only seek to occupy responsible positions
while refusing the attendance of hard work especially in media work, where
personnel have to work until late hours at night.
It has to be noted especially that cultural considerations have also played a role
and women are also more attracted to work in broadcasting because it gives
them more visibility.



Select target paragraph3