very high prices e.g. Centre Africa Obota’s (CAO) Week end matin is 300 000
CFA per minute.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.0 (2008 = n/a ; 2006 = n/a)

3.10 The state/public broadcaster offers balanced
and fair information in news and current affairs,
relecting the full spectrum of diverse views and
An analysis of the various legal provisions on ORTB especially decree No. 2005252 of 6 May 2005 that gives approval for the constitution of ORTB, and law
No.94-009 of 28 July 1994 on the establishment, organization and operation of
the organization in terms of its social, scientiic and cultural status shows that
ORTB is a public institution which is to be an organization on its own with
inancial independence working at meeting social, scientiic and cultural objectives.
Apart from the 2005 decree, ORTB operates on the platform of the law establishing
HAAC which gives it a limited number of objectives4. hese include among other
things the programming, broadcast and transmission of information on radio and
television for the consumption of the public without discrimination in terms of
race, culture, sex or religion.
4 • explore, produce programs for general information and radio and television programs that meet the
political, economical and socio-cultural objectives of the state of Benin;
• produce, co-produce, acquire, adjust and program radio and television broadcasts to the public regardless
of race, culture, gender, and religion;
• support performance, provide assistance or cooperation with regards to radio and television;
• contribute to strengthening national unity;
• help strengthen social values through the promotion of an ethic based on respect for the human person,
the citizen and the public;
• broadcast programs that promote the integration and ongoing education of all citizens and the
development of the country;
• ensure the in uence and prestige of Benin abroad;
• prospect and broadcast advertisements and news releases in accordance with the regulations;
• serve as a national benchmark in broadcasting with technical quality, professional and artistic services



Select target paragraph3